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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hellooooo blogging world!!

Hey there! It's been 7 years since I first wrote my first blog post in xanga. And now, I am reentering the blogging world in blogger!! It's the start of a new year, of 2014. But I opened this new blog as a journal and a reminder of all the things I've learnt, encountered and experienced in 2013 especially. It's been one crazy ride, with lots and lots of learning and molding. In other words - painful painful experiences and crazy emotions. 2013 has been really crazy. And I don't want it to pass just like that. So this blog is dedicated to recording down all of my experiences and the things I've learnt from them, and I intend to phrase them nicely, hoping them to be of use to those who read them too. I don't like to think that I went through all those painful experiences in vain. But God's Word kept telling me that He can use what's bad and turn it around for good, and He has a purpose for absolutely everything. So it will take some time to actually journal down the whole 365 days of my journey in 2013 (and also the experiences before that lead up to those).. But I will try to. Wish me all the best! :) 

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